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Personnel Fusion Researchers

Simón Martínez Martínez, PhD


Mexican nationality

Research interests

Study of the combustion process and characterization of fossil fuels and biofuels for use in internal combustion engines.  



Thermofluidodynamic processes, Energy Generation, Energy Systems, New Energy Sources.


Full Professor "A" and Exclusive of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty (FIME) - Nuevo Leon State University (UANL).

Subdirector of Postgraduate Division Studies at Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University.

Leader of the Academic Nucleus of Thermofluidodynamic Processes and Energy Systems / UANL-CA-234

Professor Adviser of the SAE Chapter at UANL

Coordinator of Research in Mechanical Engineering of FIME -UANL

Coordinator of the Specialization in Thermofluids Whirlpool Division of Mexico







Education & professional experience


2003 - 1999


Doctor in Mechanical Engineering

Specialty: Thermofluidodynamic Processes in MCIA, by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.

2000 - 1999


D.E.A./S.I. (Diploma of Advanced Studies / Research Sufficiency), by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, 


2003 - 2000

Invited professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain



Assistant Professor at Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University.



Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Specialty: Thermal and Fluids, by the Nuevo Leon State University, Mexico.

1993 - 1988

Mechanical Engineer, Bachelor Science degree by the Nuevo Leon State University, Mexico.


Indexed International Articles and/or Arbitrated Journals

Simón Martínez Martínez, José M. Riesco Ávila and Armado Gallegos

Phenomenological Study of the Liquid Phase Penetration on Diesel Sprays

International Journal of KONES, ISSN 1231-4005, Vol. 2

Naleczow, Poland; Date: 2006

Vicente Bermúdez, Simón Martínez Martínez and Eric Watel

Liquid Length of Evaporating Diesel Spray Before Thermodynamic Effects in the Combustion Chamber

Revista SIA Nº 761 ISSN 0020-1200 (Published in Technological Innovation)

Paris, France, 2003

F. Payri, V. Bermúdez and S. Martínez

Characterization of Particulate Emissions of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine

(Elected for publication of the V Iberoamerican IV National Congress of Mechanical Engineering)

Revista Ciencias y Ingeniería Vol. 3 ISSN 1316-7081

 Mérida, Venezuela, 2002


F. Payri, V. Bermúdez and S. Martínez

Characterization of Particulate Emissions of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine

V Iberoamerican Congress of Mechanical Engineering. IV National Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings PC-2001-23

Mérida, Venezuela

Authors: V. Bermúdez, J.M. García, E. Juliá and S. Martínez

Experimental Installation for the Study of the Injection-Combustion Process in Direct Injection Diesel Engine

XV National Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the Congress PC-2002-21

Venue: Cádiz, Spain Date: 2002

Articles in extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of International Conferences


Martínez, S., Desantes, J.M., Pastor, J.M. And Riesco, J.M.

Experimental Characterization of the Liquid Phase Penetration on Evaporating Diesel Sprays

SAE World Congress, 2005-01-2095

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Date 2005

V. Bermúdez, J.M. García, E. Juliá and S. Martínez

Optically Accessible Cylinder Head: A Research Tool for Injection and Combustion Processes

SAE World Congress, 2003-01-1110 (SP 1748)

Detroit, Michigan, USA; Date: 2003

Articles in Extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of National Conferences 

Simón Martínez Martínez, Fausto Sánchez Cruz, José M. Riesco Ávila, Armado Gallegos and Vicente Bermúdez Tamarit

Experimental Validation of a Phenomenological Model to Characterize Evaporated Diesel Jets

XII Annual Congress of Mechanical Engineering (SOMIM), Memories of the Congress

Acapulco, Mexico 2006


José Armando Balderas Bernal, Armando Gallegos Muñoz, J. Manuel Riesco Ávila, Simón Martínez Martínez

Development of a Burner Prototype for Brick Ovens, Using CFD

XII Annual Congress of Mechanical Engineering (SOMIM), Acapulco, Mexico 2006


Belman Flores, J.M., Riesco Ávila, J.M., Gallegos Muñoz, A. and Martínez Martínez, S.

Methodology for the Modeling of a Cascade Refrigeration System

XXI National Congress of Thermodynamics

Colima, Mexico 2006


Carrera Escobedo, J.L., Riesco Ávila, J.M., Gallegos Muñoz, A. and Belman Flores, J.M. And Martínez Martínez, S.

 Simulation of the Cycle of Operation of a Gasoline Engine by the Law of Burning Wiebe

XXI National Congress of Thermodynamics

Colima, Mexico 2006


Simón Martínez Martínez, Miguel García Yera and José M. Riesco Ávila.

Characterization of Diesel Jets in Second Breakage Regime

Science-UANL Journal, ISSN-1405-9177, Vol. IX

San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico 2006


Simón Martínez Martínez, Max Salvador Hernández, Miguel García Yera, José M. Riesco Ávila and Armando Gallegos Muñoz

Biphasic Measurement of Penetration of Diesel Jets by Laser Induced Fluorescence Type of participation: Paper

XI International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (SOMIM), Memories of the Congress and International Congress of SOMIM

Morelia, Mexico 2005


Riesco-Ávila, J.M., Gallegos-Muñoz, A., Montefort-Sanchez, J.M. And Martínez-Martínez, S.,

Alternative Combustion Processes in Alternative Internal Combustion Engines

Acta Universitaria Magazine

Guanajuato, Mexico 2005

Salvador, M .; Chavez, R.M .; Arredondo, V.M .; Tapia, A.E .; Nieto, A .; Velasco, J.C .; Muñoz, O.A .; Martínez, J .; Martínez, S.

Supercomputing applied into the experimental theoretical symbiosis in the fusion area and magnetic confinement Tokamak "T" design device .

1st International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, Supercomputing Congress, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 2-5 March 2010. ISBN: 978-607-450-348-7 (conference and article)


Salvador, M .; Muñoz, O.A .; Briones, C.E .; Martínez, S .; Martínez, J.

Magnetic Confinement Pellet Injector System Design 

XV Annual International Congress of SOMIM Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Mexico; 9/23/2009 9/25/2009 Memories of the 15th Annual International Congress of SOMIM 2009, ISBN: 978-607-95309-0-7; A1_71, pp. 198-204 (conference and article)


Martínez, S .; Sánchez, F .; Salvador, M .; García, M .; Riesco, J .; Gallegos, A .; Armas, O .; Page 2

Characterization of the internal geometry of diesel injection nozzles using the silicone method

XV Annual International Congress of SOMIM Cd. Obregón, Sonora, Mexico; 9/23/2009 9/25/2009 Memories of the 15th Annual International Congress of SOMIM 2009, ISBN: 978-607-95309-0-7; A4_29, pp. 794-799 (conference and article)

Simón Martínez Martínez, Miguel García Yera and Vicente R. Bermúdez Tamarit

Study of the Liquid Phase of Diesel Jets by Optical Diagnosis

Type of participation: Presentation

X Annual International Congress of SOMIM, Memories of the Congress

Querétaro, Mexico 2004


Vicente Bermúdez and Simón Martínez Martínez

Effects of the Composition of Gas-Oil on Contaminant Emissions

Revista Ingenierías Vol. VI, Number 21

San Nicolás, Mexico 2003


Vicente Bermúdez and Simón Martínez Martínez

Effects of the Composition of Diesel on Pollutant Emissions of an ID Diesel Engine

VIII Annual Congress of Mechanical Engineering (SOMIM), Memories of the Congress

San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico 2003

Bachelor, Master Thesis Adviser

Bachelor's degree

Title: Development of an Experimental Installation to Determine the Thermal Conductivity in Solid Materials

Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

Author: Lorenzo Hernandez Medellín

Code: In process

Title: Development of a Thermodynamic Model for the Calculation of Heat Exchangers

Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

Author: Jesús Isaías Valencia González

Code: In process

Title: Modeling and Construction of a Processor System for Obtaining Biodiesel

Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

Author: Jesús Abraham Dávila Ramos

Code: In process

Title: Development of Thermal Systems to Condition the Working Fluid of a 2T Experiment ID Diesel Engine

Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Author: Roger Duran Martínez

Code: PFC-2003-01



Title: Etude Théorique et Expérimentale du Jet D'injection dans un Moteur Diesel en Atmosphère non Réactive

Institution: ISAT (Institut Superior de l'Automobile et des Transports) Université de Bourgogne, France

Author: Cédric Culos

Code: PTI-2003-04

Title: Etude Théorique et Expérimentale de la longueur Liquide d'une Injecteur de Moteur Diesel dans une Atmosphère non Réactive

Institution: ISAT (Institut Superior de l'Automobile et des Transports) Université de Bourgogne, France

Author: Eric Jean Pierre Watel

Code: PTI-2003-03

Title: Design, Installation and Start-Up of Temperature, Water, Oil and Fuel Conditioners for Mono-cylindrical Engines of Experimentation

Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Author: David Rubio Beltrán

Code: PFC-2003-01

Title: Analysis of the Injection Process in a Test Ring Engine with Optical Accesses

Institution: Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Departament Industriele Wetenschappen in Technologie, Belgium

Author: Wannes Verhoeven

Code: PTI-2002-08

Title: Experimental Installation for the Study of Diesel Injection Systems

Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Author: Pablo Ancillo Heras

Code: PFC-2001-37

Title: Design of an Experimental Installation for Injection Study in Alternative Internal Diesel Fuel Engines

Institution: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Author: Francisco Tortajada Honorato

Code: PFC-2000-11


Title: Rehabilitation of Equipment for Testing of Heat Conduction in Stable State

Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

Authors: Gabriel Barrientos Bolaños

Code: 1997


Title: Study of the Charge of Capillarity Tube Diameter on the Performance Energy Consumption of a 18 CFT Refrigerator with Static Condenser

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: Jesús Roberto Herrera Sánchez

Code: In process


Title: Thermal and Airflow Characterization of a 18 CFT Forced and Static Condenser TFA Refrigerators

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: Manuel Ángel González Chapa

Code: In process

Title: Characterization Refrigerator 18 CFT VL

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: Pedro Jacinto Benito

Code: In process


Title: Reduction of the Variations in the consummation measurements energy between test cells

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: José Paz Flores Rangel

Code: In process


Title: Design of the Ice Dispenser for the Domestic Refrigerator

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: José Ricardo Botello Orozco

Code: In process


Title: Airflow Characterization in a 22 CFT Domestic Refrigerator

Institution: Whirlpool-UANL, Mexico

Author: Sinuhe Argumedo Orta

Code: In process

Patents pending and Industrial Models

Patents pending

Industrial Models


Research and Development (R & D) Projects

Contribution to the reduction of polluting emissions in diesel engines using alternative fuels

Company / Funding Administration: Mexico-Spain

Duration, from: July-2006 To: December-2009

Etude du Processus d'Injection-Combustion Diesel

Company / Funding Administration: RA RENAULT AUTOMOCIÓN, (France)

Duration, from: September-2002 To: January-2004


(DIME) Direct Injection Engine Spray Processes. Mechanism to Improve Performance

Company / Funding Administration: EUROPEAN COMMUNITY

Duration, from: January-2000 To: September-2003


Influence of the Technologie de l'Injecteur sur le Processus d'Injection-Combustion sur Moteur HDI

Company / Funding administration: PSA PEUGEOT - CITROEN, (France)

Duration, from: January-2002 To: December-2002

Analyze du Processus d'Auto-Allumage

Company / Funding administration: PSA PEUGEOT - CITROEN (France)

Duration, from: January-2002 To: December-2002


Etude de Compréhension de l'Ifluence des Injections Multiples sur le Processus d'Injection-Combustion sur Moteur DV

Company / Funding administration: PSA PEUGEOT - CITROEN, (France)

Duration, from: January-2001 To: December-2001


Etude sur l'Influence de la Géométrie des Buses sur le Processus d'Injection Combustion sur Moteur HDI

Company / Funding administration: PSA PEUGEOT - CITROEN, (France)

Duration, from: August-2000 To: May-2001


Study of Contaminant Emissions in Automotive Diesel Engines

Company / Funding Administration: Department of Culture, Education and Science of the Generalitat Valenciana, (Spain)

Duration, from: January-2000 To: January-2002

Development of Prototypes Gas Burners for the Ceramist and Ladrillero Sector of the State of Guanajuato

Company / Funding Administration: CONCYTEG, (Mexico)

Duration, from: March-2006 To: July-2007


Determination of the Volume and Weight Reduction in 5 Families of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Residues in the Pilot Plant Based on the Plasma Arc Assisted Pyrolysis Process

Company / Funding Administration: FOMIX, (Mexico)

Duration, from: September-2005 to: September-2007


Development of new refrigeration technologies

Company / Funding Administration: Whirlpool, (Mexico)

Duration, from: September-2005 To: December-2008


Phenomenological Study of the Injection Process Isoterm of a Fossil Fuel and a Biofuel

Company / Funding Administration: UANL, (Mexico)

Duration, from: July-2006 To: July-2007


Development of an Installation for the Biphasic Study of Fuels in Controlled Transients

Company / Funding Administration: UANL, (Mexico)

Duration, from: July-2005 To: July-2006


 Determination of Contaminant Emissions

Company / Funding Administration: Federal Government, (Mexico)

Duration, from: June-2004 To: June-2007

Stays at International Research Centers

Awards and merits

Sobresaliente cum laude: the highest honor, distinction awarded on his Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Date:  2003.


Maximum note obtaining the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA/SI) University: Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Date: 200

SobresalienteMaster's Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Specialty: Thermal and Fluids, by the Nuevo Leon State University, Mexico.

Sobresaliente: Mechanical Engineer, Bachelor Science degree by the Nuevo Leon State University, Mexico.


Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1, Date: 

Full Professor with PRODEP Profile

Awarded into the "UANL Prize for Invention YEARS: 2017 & 2016 Recognition of Industrial Property" with 13 technological developments: Patents & Industrial Models 

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