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Personnel Fusion Researchers 

M.Sc. Joel González Marroquín


Mexican nationality


Research Lines 

Thermodynamic design devices, mechanical structure analysis, thermodynamics and fluids area



Thermodynamics, structural materials 






1971 - at the date

Full Associate Professor of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University.

Researcher collaborator: Thermal and Renewable Energies Group - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University.

Member of the Sustainability Committee - Sustainable Development Secretariat - Nuevo Leon State University

Researcher collaborator: Academic Body "Thermofluidodynamic Processes and New Energy Systems" - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University

Member of the Revision Committee into the area of Thermodynamic Engineering.

Profile PROMEP 

Education and professional experience

2008 at the date

Faculty Treasurer - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University 


2008 - 2005 

Posgraduate Admission Program Coordinator - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University

2008 - 2000

Finance Committee Member - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University

1996 - 2005

Faculty Treasurer - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University 


Master Sciences in Mechanic Engineering on Thermodynamic and Fluids Specialty - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University 


Full Associate Professor - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University


Mechanic and Electric Engineer - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University 


Articles in extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of International Conferences 

J.A. Gonzalez, M.Salvador, J.Martínez, A.Nieto, O.A.Muñoz, J.González, J.R.Morones, R.M.Chávez, G.R.Cavazos, V.M.Arredondo, S. Martínez, M.A.Sanromán, I.E.Morales, A.Acosta, J.V.Guzmán, C.A.Briseño.

60 GHz-300 kW Gyrotron General Design for the Mexican Tokamak "T"

FIP/P4-33, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2016, IAEA-FEC 2016, Kyoto Japan, 17-22 Oct. 2016.

M.Salvador, J.Martínez, J.González, J.R. Morones, S. Sanna, S. Martínez, J.A.González, O.A.Muñoz, A.Nieto, O.A. Islas, C.U.Acosta, J.A. Arce, R.M.Chávez, V.M.Arredondo, G.R. Cavazos, M.A. Sanroman, C.A. Olivares, C.R. Uder.

Design of Toroidal Coils Testing Bench: Advances in the Mexican Tokamak “T”, FIP/P8-23, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2014, IAEA-FEC 2014, San Petersburgo, Russian Federation.

M.Salvador, J.Martínez, A.E.Tapia, R.M.Chávez, S.Sanna, J.González, J.R. Morones, J.A.González, O.A.Muñoz, V.M.Arredondo, A.Nieto, C.U.Acosta, S.Martínez, F.J.Almaguer, M.A.Alcorta, G.R. Cavazos;
Advances in the Electrical Systems - General Analysis of the Coils Design in the Mexican Tokamak “T” Experimental Facility

FTP/P1-32, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, IAEA-FEC 2012, San Diego, CA, USA.

Patents pending and Industrial Models

Patents pending



Industrial Models



Awards and merits

Awarded into the "UANL Prize for Invention 2016: Recognition of Industrial Property" with 3 technological developments: Patents and Industrial Models.

Finance Committee Member - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University 2005-2008

Full Associate Professor - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty - Nuevo Leon State University - 1982

Articles in Extenso, Memories and/or Proceedings of National Conferences 

M. Salvador, L. R. Hernández, J. González, S. Martínez,
E. Chapa, G. M. Voryobov

Diseño D-shaped para las bobinas toroidales en dispositivos de confinamiento magnético de fusión
XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Mexicana 04 a 07 Agosto 2019, publicado en: Revista Ingenierías Año XXII, No. 85 , pp. 277-288, ISSN 1405-0676 (Conferencia y artículo)

M. Salvador, L.R. Hernández, D.I. Sánchez, M.A Villarreal, J. González, S. Martínez, M. García, J.A. Guevara, E. Chapa, G.M. Vorobyov

Consideraciones generales sobre la cámara de vacío del Tokamak “T”
XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Mexicana 04 a 07 Agosto 2019, publicado en: Revista Ingenierías Año XXII, No. 85 , pp. 289-300, ISSN 1405-0676 (Conferencia y artículo)

M. Salvador, A. Acosta, J. González, J. A. Guevara, G.M. Vorobyov
Desarrollo de la fuente de pre-ionización por RF a 2.45 GHz para el Tokamak esférico: TEA-T
XXX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Mexicana 04 a 07 Agosto 2019, publicado en: Revista Ingenierías Año XXII, No. 85 , pp. 445-460, ISSN 1405-0676 (Conferencia y artículo)

M.Salvador, C.U.Acosta, J.A.González, J. Gonzalez, J.R. Morones, J. Martinez, S. Martinez, R.M.Chávez, V.M.Arredondo, A.Nieto, O.A.Muñoz, G.R. Cavazos, M.A. Sanroman, C.A. Olivares, J.A. Arce, O.A. Islas

Tokamak "T" Toroidal Cases Design 

XX Annual International Congress, SOMIM. 24, 25 and 26 September 2014. Juriquilla, Querétaro, Mexico (conference and article)

Salvador, M .; Ribeiro, C .; González, J .; Comparan, J.L .; Morones J.R .; Tapia A.E .; Chávez R.M .; Muñoz O.A .; Arredondo V.M .; Nieto A .; Martínez J .; Estrada E .; González J.A .; Garza A.V .; Jasso E.J .; Acosta C.U .; Cavazos G.R .; Almaguer F.J.

Fusion: Experimental magnetic confinement platform in Mexico

IX International Congress on Innovation and Technological Development, 23 - 25 November 2011. ISBN: 978-607-95255-3-8 (conference and article)

Posters in International Conferences

Max Salvador; Víctor Arredondo; Carlos Acosta;  Eduardo Tapia; Samuele Sanna; Joel González; Rene Chavez; Jorge Guevara; Omar Muñoz; Julio Martínez ; Alejandro Nieto; Genrry Cavazos. 
Diffusion Mechanism on Silicon Carbide: A Tight Binding Scheme, International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, ICFRM16 – Beijing, Pop. Rep. of China (2013)

Max Salvador; Víctor Arredondo; Carlos Acosta;  Eduardo Tapia; Samuele Sanna; Joel González; Rene Chavez; Jorge Guevara; Omar Muñoz; Julio Martínez ; Alejandro Nieto; Genrry Cavazos; José Guzman. 
Design of the tiles displacement system carriers and removable coil cases on Mexican Tokamak “T”, International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials ICFRM16 – Beijing, Pop. Rep. of China (2013)

C. Ribeiro; M. Salvador; J. González; R. Fonck; G. Gartska; R. Chávez; O. Muñoz; J. Martínez; E. Estrada; J. González
Recommissioning the spherical tokamak MEDUSA in Mexico
5TH IAEA TECHNICAL MEETING ON SPHERICAL TORI - 16th International Workshop on Spherical Torus (ISTW2011)- 2011 US-JAPAN WORKSHOP ON ST PLASMA, Japón 27-30 Septiembre 2011.   

Ribeiro C.; Salvador M.; González J.; Muñoz O.; Tapia A.; Arredondo V.; Chávez R.; Nieto A.; González J.; Garza A.; Estrada E.; Jasso E.; Acosta C.; Briones C.; Cavazos G.; Martínez J.; Morones J.; Almaguer J.; Fonck R. 

The spherical tokamak MEDUSA for Mexico, American Physical Society 2011, Salt Lake City, USA.

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